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Leak Detection



  • Plumbdog can you help me!?!? I think I have a water leak…
  • High water bills are a classic clue to a water leak but some leaks are bigger than others
  • Water leak detection is one of our specialties. We’re happy to get our paws dirty digging!
  • We also have all the gear and every idea. Advanced leak detection equipment helps us efficiently detect the problem area. 
  • Check out more of our VLOGs & don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


You will see in this video how one of our licensed plumbers’ top dog Richard was able to examine, probe, and resolve what our client believed to be a water leak issue.

Help! . . . Plumbdog To The Rescue

Richard was sent to inspect and check a commercial property line in Bibra Lake due to the enormous water bill that they have just received.  Instead of the usual $800 it skyrocketed to $8,000!  You can already imagine the shock that they got when they saw that huge amount on the bill, which is 10 times the regular amount that they pay for. Without even doing an inspection, this is one of the classic signs of a water leak and quite a large leak it seems. They were right to give us a call as water leak detection is our specialty where we will find and fix the problem.

Sniffing Out The Problem

First things first, to validate the problem Richard checked the water meter. Upon inspection, he saw that it spun like a disoriented clock so he proceeded to investigate where the leak may be coming from. He does a thorough inspection of the property and used our advanced water leak detection equipment to have an efficient and accurate result.

Eureka! It’s Time to Dig

Richard then finds that nasty leak in no time with our innovative leak detection equipment.  It was under a tree and 2 metres below the ground, the leak came from a hole in a 20-mm copper water service. The pipeline was also next to a copper fire main, so our top dog expert had to be incredibly careful in fixing this one.

Richard, with high precision, cut the pipe with the big hole and a new section was put in place. The surrounding copper near the hole was in poor condition and we want the pipe to be longer-lasting. Instead of replacing the small portion that is affected, he replaced about a metre to make sure it will be more solid.

Because Plumbdogs ROC! (Resolve in One Call)

After spending a day on Richard’s makeshift beach, he tested everything and made sure that the pipes no longer have any leaks. No more worrisome water bill for our client.

He proceeds to create a leak-loss report that only licensed plumbers are authorized to make. He will send it to the Water Corporation on behalf of the client and they will compute how much credit they can get. All in a day’s work!

If in the future you have any problem with your water or pipeline, drains and gas line, just whistle and we will ROC “Resolved in One Call”

  • The smallest of holes in a pipe can cause lots of wasted water which also means money wasted down the drain!
  • Watch how an experienced Perth based Plumbdog Plumber finds and fixes burst water pipes
  • He sniffs out the problem on this property before finishing his coffee. 
  • Check out more of our VLOGs & don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Plumbdog Leak Detection & Repairs – How We Do It

Do you hear running water on your property, but as far you remember you don’t have a fountain or pond in your home? This video will show how Richard will track and fix a burst water pipe. Unlike many others, we will find the leak and we will fix the problem too without having to call on or recommend anyone else to get the whole job done.

Sniffing Out The Problem

To give a bit of a background, we received a call from a client that there’s a leak in his property. He was able to identify the area where the sound of the running water came from and it is somewhere in the laundry and bathroom. The client was also able to isolate the problem that it was the hot water line.

Effective and Efficient

Our top dog Richard starts his investigation by checking the water metre, and this confirmed that there is indeed a leak in the property. Thanks to the information that the client has provided the location was narrowed down between the bathroom and laundry area. Of course, we wouldn’t want to be digging on  the entire pipeline just to find the source. Here in Plumbdog we made sure to use advanced technology to make our less time-consuming. To find the leak source accurately, Richard, turned on the hot water so that once it starts flowing down the pipes the heat will be detected by our equipment. He used our thermal imaging infrared scanner, the gear can sense heat, which will make searching easier. He walked around the perimeter of the laundry and bathroom and saw a significant amount of heat near the drain.


He removed a few blocks and started digging in the area that the scanner had identified where the leak may be coming from. Almost two feet below he sees a pool of water, and lo and behold, he just found the leakage. There’s a pinhole on the pipe near the tee joint. All of that accomplished before he was even able to finish his morning coffee!

Resolve in One CALL

Richard proceeds to replace the damaged section by welding in a new pipe and running a test after. He also checks the water metre again to make sure that the leak was just in that one spot. Seeing everything looked good, he covers the hole and do a little sweeping and make it look like nothing happened there. To finalise the service, Richard, will complete and submit a water leak loss report on behalf of the client to the Water Corporation. They will compute the credit that can be applied to the client’s water bill.

This is just one of the reasons why we say we have ‘all the gear and every idea’. We are maintenance plumbing specialists and leak detection and repairs as well as blocked drains are just a couple of our specialties.


  • Sometimes simply servicing leaking taps isn’t enough. 
  • There’s a lot that could cause water leaking through walls. It’s important to call in a professional to test and check to really understand what the problem is before applying solutions. 
  • Check out more of our VLOGs & don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Are you excited to see what we have in store for you this time? Our top dog and local Perth plumber Darius will be checking and fixing a shower leak. Water leak detection is one of the specialist services we offer at Plumbdog.

Let’s Inspect

First thing he did was inspect other fittings and appliances just to make sure there’s no visible leak in the air conditioning unit or taps. Then he heads outside to do a meter test, and upon checking it doesn’t seem to be a substantial leak that may cause it to continuously run.

All The Gear and Every Idea

Inside, Darius removed the tapware in the shower so they won’t be in the way. He proceeds to check the shower area and it looks like it is dry on the outside. He suspects that the leak is inside the wall. Making sure that this isn’t trial by error, Darius uses our specialised infrared equipment for accuracy by doing pressure testing. He attaches a hose assembly on the shower that will help in heating up the pipes, once that happens the heat will also penetrate through the tiles. The infrared will show the problem area that needs to be fixed.

Solution, solution, solution

Seeing that the main fixture set mainly on the left side had already discoloured (copper turned to black), that only goes to show that it has been sitting in a damp and wet area. When that happens, it means that the leak has been there for quite some time. He showed that the leak is right in the centre of the wall breech. Our top dog recommends replacing the set to address the issue.

Whistle while we work

Approved by our client, Darius replaced the breech by welding it in and all the plumbing fixtures. There’s no need to come back for the repair because we make sure that we bring most of the pipefittings and fixtures, there won’t be any need for multiple visits. He tests the fixture and there is no more leak!

Next step is repairing the wall. He will cover the spindles to make sure that the threads remain clean as he puts the cement on the wall. He also puts the tapware back on and tests them one more time. Voila another leak sealed!

Trust the experts to have leaks fixed. There are instances where the water may be going through the wall on a certain area, but the main leak is somewhere else. That will be time consuming and may cost more for you in the end as you may end up re-grouting more than you have expected.
That’s why just give us a whistle and Plumbdog will ROC (Resolve in One Call) your leaks away!

  • Sometimes saving a few $$s may end up costing you much more. It often pays for any type of service to call on a real professional to do the job.
  • When it comes to Plumbing in Perth, we have all the gear and every idea!
  • Check out more of our VLOGs & don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Our video today will takes us to a property in Manning, WA.  Many would really like to save by doing their own DIY plumbing repairs or get plumbers that may seem to give you a good deal.  When in fact they can actually cause a bigger headache in the future and cost more.  Richard was sent out to locate and fix a burst water pipe and what he found out was that the installation was not followed properly.

Detecting Broken Pipes

It’s time to look for the pipes. Plumbdog uses advanced gadgets and tools to make sure that we work fast and efficiently on every call. In this one, Richard used one of our little black box to determine which solenoid is the problem. He attached it to the reticulation control panel and then connected to the number two wire. Solenoid number two starts vibrating, this can be heard as a faint buzzing sound at first since it is underground. He will use that sound to guide him and look for the actual pipes.

Doing what Plumbdogs Do Best, Digging!

Next step is to look for the source, so he goes out on the front lawn and it is a good-sized area, and we would not want to ruin it by randomly digging in areas where we think we can hear the buzzing noise.  Richard once again uses another special gadget to accurately locate where the buzzing is coming from.  He used the retic solenoid finder and was able to uncover the cause of the problem which is solenoid number two. On top of that, he was able to find another solenoid, the master solenoid and the master retic valve.  Seeing everything, the problem was that even when they turned off the reticulation controller it was still live, and it meant that the master solenoid valve had failed. It’s time to fix the problem, the retic will be isolated and have the mains turned back on so that the client can have water back in their home again.

All The Gear & Every Idea

As we can see in the video the property was laid out with below standard pipes, fittings and valves and was even poorly installed.  The solenoids and retic valves were 6 inches deep when they should be above ground. Richard will discuss with the property owners their options regarding the other pipes in their backyard. Getting licensed plumbers like us will give you the best advice, options, and peace of mind that your plumbing will last longer and will be installed based on standards.  No hit or miss when looking for the problem pipes. No-fuss, less mess and in the quickest time possible. Whistle and we will come to the rescue!

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